Numerology number 1 – Life path of a born leader

Thần số học số 1 - Đường đời của nhà lãnh đạo bẩm sinh

To a materialist scientist, numbers are simply symbols indicating relative quantities. But for someone who believes in idealism, or a researcher of numerology, numbers always contain extremely profound meanings. They represent what is relevant to humans. All numbers are developed from the absolute number – number 1, and are always connected to this number, because number 1 represents the expression of the ego – the I. In this article, the Numerology Search page will share everything related to numerology number 1.

Thần số học số 1 - Chỉ số đường đời của nhà lãnh đạo bẩm sinh
Thần số học số 1 – Chỉ số đường đời của nhà lãnh đạo bẩm sinh

Numerology number 1 – Basic meaning of natural numbers

Numerology number 1 embodies boldness, innovation, risk-taking, resilience and following your heart. Numerology number 1, brings with it the task of developing your creativity and confidence in all aspects of your life. The life purpose of these people is to bring positive creative energy and achieve independence in their relationships.

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To truly understand the number 1, we must know its profound meaning based on the original meaning taught to his students by Pythagoras 2,500 years ago. Accordingly, apply 9 natural numbers to a square chart box divided into 9 boxes. Each axis includes three numbers in order from bottom to top, from left to right, and from top to bottom as shown below:

Biểu đồ 3 trục của con người.
Human 3-axis chart.

The square chart above in Numerology is used to create birth charts, name charts and composite charts. Number 1 in the birth chart, name chart or composite chart is the starting point that creates the arrows in Numerology (also known as the axes).

The meaning of numerology number 1 (immutable)

Number 1 in numerology is the first number! It is the only absolute number, symbolizing the existence of every human being. It shows how we communicate our self to others. Number 1 is the key that opens the way to our communication skills.

General overview:
The beginning, unity; action, ambition, leadership.

Ý nghĩa số 1 trong thần số học
Meaning of number 1 in numerology


Focus, leadership, creativity
Decision making, pressure

Generous, extroverted, pioneering
Independent, steadfast, focused, always goal-oriented
Domineering, stubborn, selfish, big ego
Strengths of Numerology Number 1
Numerology number 1 lives very independently

The independence of a born leader is innovation, you are dynamic, independent and diligent. These people thrive in competitive environments, and you project an air of confidence and aggression. However, sometimes you are also sensitive and weak when receiving criticism.

Thần số học số 1 là người sống rất độc lập
Numerology number 1 is a person who lives very independently

Numerology number 1 is involved in three specific stages of an individual’s development: dependence, rebellion and actualization. These are the basic stages. People with the dominant number 1 have independence from a very early age, so situations where you feel you are dependent will often make you feel uncomfortable.

Dependence is the feeling that you have to fit into something, even though you know it’s not you. This is shown in situations such as your family has faith in a certain religion, but you personally feel that this religion is not suitable for you. And you need time to understand and identify what is hindering and preventing you from finding yourself and feeling independent in your soul.

When you decide that you want to be free of this dependence, then you rebel. However, to rebel, you must have a period of time to cultivate and learn in a healthy way to gain internal strength, which will help you create a different value for yourself compared to others.

The cardinal number 1 is associated with individualism

The dominant number 1 represents a person who pursues individualism, you are straightforward and decisive. When you feel that you are not suitable for a certain thing or situation, you will not let yourself have it. the opportunity to receive that. When you compare yourself, that’s when you become your best, most trustworthy and attractive person.

In addition, when feeling insecure, people with numerology number 1 often tend to defend themselves, get a little angry and aggressive. These emotions appear when you are experiencing self-doubt, peer pressure, and lack of confidence.

The important thing is that you need to practice your own skills such as: job skills, communication skills, etc. Cultivating yourself will help you maintain your confidence, this is something that continuously and affects you. enjoyed throughout the life of the dominant number 1.

Let’s listen to Master Louis Nguyen explain details about Numerology Number 1 through the following video:

With numerology number 1, believing in the skills you have learned and mastering them will create a foundation for you to be confident on the path to asserting yourself. This is also like a shield to protect you from feeling insecure, affecting your inherently confident demeanor.

You must clearly understand yourself as a separate being, you don’t have to follow anyone. The more you understand your unique value, the more advantages you will have. You don’t fit a mold, you take risks to be creative, try, develop yourself to get closer to the life you want.

Numerology 1 always has innovation & creativity

You are a pioneer, an innovator and have the ability to achieve certain success in life. Your abilities will be used to your advantage as you lead, establish and operate a project. Sometimes, numerology number 1 will feel stagnant, bored and ineffective in an environment without innovation and challenge.

You are full of creative energy, so accept it and understand that this is God’s gift to you. Imagining new things, introducing new concepts and then applying them to real projects you undertake, will help people with dominant number 1 energy towards success.

Người có số chủ đạo 1 là người có tư duy đổi mới và sáng tạo
People with the dominant number 1 are innovative and creative thinkers

And one important thing, the key to life path number 1 always lies in confidence, preparation and ability to concentrate. Number 1 numerology is built to create things, even crazy and confusing ideas. You do and can use these spirits and ideas to realize your great desires.

Natural leadership ability of numerology number 1

You tap into your own unique voice, independent action and decision making are all qualities of yours. When confident in your abilities, numerology number 1 will be active and face problems wisely, even if there are risks, you will still accept them and continue moving forward.

When you develop your leadership skills, expressing your passion from the heart, you can achieve great things in life. In addition, you should be confident not to be affected by judgment and criticism. Numerology number 1 be confident that your natural gifts and strengths will help you develop into a leadership role, whether at work, family or social relationships.

Number 1 with relationships

In relationships, the dominant number 1 is often in control, you have a hot-tempered and negative personality, and a high ego. You often mistake creating a relationship or affection as giving someone their “right to share”. This is wrong thinking, making the life of number 1 person in numerology not go in a very positive direction.

Although numerology number 1 represents strength, your ability to choose partners is often among those who are not your equals. You need to attract and choose someone who is your equal intellectually, financially, and spiritually in order to maintain and develop the relationship. And this helps you learn how to deepen your confidence, control power in relationships, learn how to connect and understand the needs of others. Life path number 1 always struggles with balance, as you are always self-centered and this is the reason the relationship is unbalanced. However, overcoming this barrier, you are willing to bring benefits, create a win-win relationship, give up control and absolutely respect your partner.

Numerology number 1 with relationships
Numerology number 1 with relationships

If you are involved or work with someone with the cardinal number 1, remember that they always need praise. Because, they need a lot of time to process thoughts and solve problems in the relationship. Numerology number 1 people are always creative and need to be encouraged to follow the unique paths they pursue. This is an opportunity for them to deepen and develop their own skills and potential.

The life and career of people with the leading number 1

The key to revealing the best career choice, you must answer the question “What are you passionate about?”. The guiding principle of numerology number 1 is confidence, you must believe in yourself and the things you are passionate about, instead of other people thinking you should do this.

Once you find your passion, be passionate and trust your creativity and flexibility. With life path number 1, you need to master and develop fundamental skills to achieve success. Therefore, work hard, hone your skills, take responsibility and don’t become a lazy person.

Life and career of people with the leading number 1
The life and career of people with the leading number 1

You are here to act on your ideals, create ideas and become a future leader. Remember that as long as you identify your interests and passions, you will automatically strive to reach the top and you will be extremely happy.

Let’s follow teacher Louis Nguyen share about ways to activate the energy of numerology 1 for children


Weaknesses of Numerology Number 1

Lack of confidence

One of the major obstacles to achieving the achievements of life path number 1 is the feeling of lack of confidence, you often criticize yourself. You always have questions like: “Are you not good enough? Do you think you can do it?….”. Because the dominant number 1 is also full of lessons related to failure, if you are mentally unstable, you can easily fall.

Numerology number 1 often has difficulty accessing traditional educational methods. Because according to a study, people with number 1 are often susceptible to syndromes such as ADHD (hyperactivity disorder), dyslexia… These are only small percentages but they help number 1 have breakthroughs. Innovative and creative in thinking outside the box.

Often numerology number 1 people feel lost without constant support and encouragement from others. I will give you an example of a friend who carries the energy of the cardinal number 1. He is an actor, but he has never felt encouraged throughout his career. This causes him to collapse, isolating himself from his passion. Therefore, being inspired and encouraged has an extremely large influence on those who carry the dominant energy number 1.

With numerology number 1, you just need to grasp and act according to your ideals and uniqueness, you will have great and good success. Don’t be ashamed or try to hide the things that you find strange about yourself, because to achieve success, these strange things need to be revealed, explored and expanded.

Weaknesses of Numerology Number 1
Weaknesses of Numerology Number 1

Ability to choose

Numerology number 1 is the number of ego, it is not surprising that the downside of the dominant number 1 is a self-centered nature, which can easily lead to narcissism. Narcissism is shown by your inability to sympathize with others, disregarding other people’s feelings, inability to handle situations when criticized, affecting the relationships around you.

The self-consciousness of the cardinal number 1 is very strong, so issues related to dependence, independence as well as personal competition and achievement are exaggerated. You must moderate and learn how to work balancedly and effectively with others. Remember that you are always trying to learn how to be a strong and effective leader, not an aggressive dictator.

Decision-making bias

The disadvantages of number 1 numerology energy will manifest, when you do not overcome challenges in life, when you find yourself dependent and lacking creative resources. You have problems with judgment, and you react and act like a bully who focuses all his energy on bullying others, just so you don’t become the target of harassment or harassment yourself. criticize.

Numerology number 1 often makes spontaneous decisions
Numerology number 1 often makes spontaneous decisions

Blaming others is a way for these people to deflect personal responsibility onto someone or a problem. Because being a victim feels better than being responsible. Therefore, you need to expand your lens, self-examine, adapt and sympathize with the desires and needs of others. At this point, you will no longer be a lonely and unique number.


You often care more about winning results that benefit you. Your focus is on negotiating your own competitive advantage, your winning outcome. In some ways, numerology number 1 focuses on negotiation and gentleness when conciliating.

In addition, each individual needs to stand on his or her own feet in life, you must individualize and develop a healthy inner self, creating a solid sense of self-esteem. However, life path number 1 always has personal ideals and healthy independence as its focus, this is an aspect that this number always strives to pursue and wishes to develop throughout its life.

Themes of number 1 are mentioned such as: independence, dependence, ego, leadership…people appear and life lessons come to you.

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Things to note for numerology number 1 in 2023

In the year world numerology 2023, the People with the dominant number 1 will have many opportunities to promote the development of knowledge and intelligence and help you take firmer steps and be more successful in choosing a new direction for yourself. Number 1 is the number of a great leader when combined with the boundless creative energy of number 7 in 2023, it will resonate to help people with this dominant number develop greatly in creative ability, even surpassing it. farther than can be imagined.

The impact of the world year of numerology 2023 on the dominant number 1
The impact of the world year of numerology 2023 on the dominant number 1

The general energy of the world year 2023 numerology is number 7. This is the number of determination to learn, explore, and research when combined with the leading number 1, it will be highly actionable, daring to confront challenges. challenges, difficulties. Therefore, this period requires you to put in a lot of effort, focus and great determination to complete everything in the best way.

Advice for people with the dominant number 1 in the year of world number 7 is to consider and research everything carefully before taking action. Although the nature of people with number 1 in the life path index is pioneering, confident, and a brave and decisive leader. But if you do not consider and think carefully before deciding to do something, you are likely to get lost or fail.

The ego of numerology number 1 is extremely high, the highest among the cardinal numbers. Therefore, in this world year of numerology 2023, you need to learn how to not fall into the feeling of selfishness, only thinking about your own interests. In addition, in order for you to develop and improve yourself, it is extremely necessary to lower your personal ego, control your emotions and listen to the suggestions of others. Besides, you also need to pay more attention to your own health, avoid letting yourself get exhausted by spending too much time at work.

The meaning of attitude index in Numerology Number 1

In the first article, the site provided instructions on how to calculate the attitude index. If you haven’t seen that article and don’t know how to calculate it, you can read: How to calculate ergonomics index degree in numerology.

Meaning of attitude index of numerology number 1
The meaning of the attitude index of numerology number 1

When encountering events and situations, people with attitude numbers carrying numerological energy number 1 often show an independent personality, do not like to ask for help and always believe that they will win. So sometimes people will feel you are a bit arrogant. The three most prominent attitudes of people with energy attitude number 1 are: independence, confidence and lots of energy.


You are completely autonomous, love to face challenges, your obstacle so far has been lack of time. But don’t worry, you will get over it, as long as your will is strong, you also don’t like asking for help. Asking for help makes you feel like you’re in a subordinate position, something the energy of the 1 ruler doesn’t like. And sometimes, it leads to people assuming that the energetic attitude of numerology number 1 is extremely stubborn.


In the situations encountered, a person with the energy attitude of number 1 in numerology is a secretive person. unique and confident. Confidence is an important factor in leadership skills and solid decision making. Therefore, never do anything that makes you give up your confidence.


The energy of people with numerology 1 lies in their willpower, you can deal with most of the fluctuations that life brings.

With a soul index of 1, your inner person is a person rich in energy, with a strong fighting spirit. Deep inside, you are a person who always wants to win or have others acknowledge your abilities. Perhaps that’s why you often participate in competitions, or you will feel satisfied if people around you recognize your talents, abilities or things you have done. You will work with 200% energy if others praise, recognize and trust you.

The meaning of soul index 1 in numerology
The meaning of soul index 1 in numerology

Numerology number 1 wants his ideas to be respected and freely expressed. You extremely dislike when someone controls or imposes your thinking. At such times, your psychology will be uncomfortable. If you cannot resist, your facial expression will be quite unsightly.

You carry within you the energy of a leader, the type of energy that can achieve any goal. You love challenges. Therefore, people with soul index 1 should be confident, train themselves by setting daily goals and conquering them. Once you get used to controlling this powerful source of energy, you will succeed in life.

The negative side of this energy is that it can push you to become a domineering, selfish, stubborn and autocratic person. Not only can you not listen to anyone, but you can also use your strength to dominate and impose on others. Please understand that winning will be meaningless if you are alone. The leader must always have followers. So, try to become a leader with a positive spirit.

Advice: People with soul index number 1 should believe Believe in your own inner strength. You carry within yourself a very strong source of energy. Build yourself a positive mindset

The meaning of personality index according to Numerology Number 1

Independent, pioneer, leader

You are shown to be highly independent, very dynamic and always pioneering and moving forward. Within you is the energy of a leader. It always motivates you to stand up, lead and fight. You are always autonomous, exploiting your resources to do your work and reach your goals. For you, goals are the most important.

The meaning of personality index according to numerology number 1
The meaning of personality index according to numerology number 1

You have personality and express yourself quite clearly. Your image is easily imprinted in the eyes of others. You shine and leave the impression of being a smart, capable person with leadership qualities and able to carry out big tasks. Friends and colleagues tend to trust you like they trust a leader.

Imposing, domineering

However, sometimes you are a bit different and quite strange. You can also easily fall into imposition, domineering, and paternalism towards others.

Advice: Personality number 1 indicates how others see received about you. Depending on whether you are on the positive or negative side of number 1 numerology, you should make appropriate adjustments. If you are on the negative side of number 1, you should adjust especially domineering, imposing, criticizing, and degrading others. If you have this, use the number 2 to reduce this heat and increase humility and withdrawal. You can use the number 2 by giving a nickname, choosing a number, a card, etc.

Meaning of numerology number 1 in mission index

Numerological mission number 1: Become an independent person , freedom, or being the best, the winner. Become number 1, the leader, the guide.

You are smart, strong, personable and very independent. Once you have determined your goal, your energy can sweep away all obstacles to reach your destination.

Numerological meaning of number 1 in mission index
The numerology meaning of number 1 in the mission index

You are the work-hard, play-hard type. When you do it, you are very serious, even strict. You are demanding in your work, whether for yourself or others. When you play, you are just as dedicated as when you work. Perhaps, even when playing you want to be number 1. 
Advice: Trust your number 1 numerological energy, use creativity and strength of yourself, focusing on leadership capacity and always moving forward.

⏩⏩⏩ See more articles: Personal Year Number 1 | New Beginnings, Opportunities and Action

Some industry groups are suitable for career Numerology Number 1

Through information about the advantages and disadvantages of career Numerology, the Numerology Lookup team will provide you with a few suggestions for suitable job groups based on Holland’s classification. If you do not clearly understand career numerology according to Holland, please read the article below.

If you are still wondering which job is best for you, don’t miss the product “Career Orientation Report” researched by Teacher Louis Nguyen and the Tracuuthansohoc team!


Management industry group

This is a group of majors specializing in training in planning, arranging, and organizing work for the right purpose and time with the lowest human resources and costs. People in this industry group tend to dare to think and dare to do. Number 1 in Career Numerology is also ready to accept challenges and face difficulties. Because you are an extremely aggressive person, capable of leading and managing a group of people, a group with great influence on many economic and macro issues.

The Management occupation group is very suitable for people with good spirit numerology number 1
The Management occupation group is very suitable for people with numerology number 1

Management sectors:

– Professional Management: State Management, Civil Management

– Business: Business Administration, Financial Management, Enterprise Management

– Education: Educational management

Training majors:

Police, military officers, business administrators, technology engineers, business owners, PR specialists, hotel managers, high-end hotel chefs, educational managers at all levels… Currently all All of these occupations are trained at general technical vocational centers, local vocational training centers, professional secondary schools, regional universities and universities nationwide.

Engineering Industry Group

This is an industry group directly related to the process of manufacturing products that support and serve people’s daily lives. The engineering industry group is a collection of real-life people. Numerology number 1 career prefers action rather than daydreaming. Therefore, you pay great attention to tangible factors such as status, power, money or specific objects and machines. Technical people will apply the achievements of science and technology into the production process. Besides, this is also the person who carries out research work, meets job requirements and is flexible with production methods.

Numerology number 1 most suitable career are engineering-related industries
The number 1 most suitable career in numerology is engineering-related industries

Training majors:

– Mechanical, Construction, Transportation majors: Mechanical engineering, Machine manufacturing engineering, Automobile repair technician, Metallurgical engineering, Refrigeration engineering, Construction engineering,…

– Industrial sector: Footwear technology, Printing technology

– Electrical and electronics majors: Electrical engineering, Electronic engineering, Computer engineering, Automation engineering

– Related majors: Agricultural Engineering, Food Technology, Machinery Operation Engineering

Training majors:

Machine operation, machine manufacturing, applied mechanics, automation, automobile maintenance and repair, electrical equipment, electrical installation, warranty, electrical repair, electronics, information technology, construction, farming , animal husbandry, afforestation, aquaculture, civil carpentry, fine art carpentry, sports, cooking, gardening and tree care, garment, artistic embroidery, knitting, crochet, sculpture, staff Lab technician, driver, train driver…

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Hopefully with the information of Numerology number 1 about positive and negative aspects and suitable professions in accordance with the Numerology that Tracuuthansohoc has just shared with readers. We hope that this information will support and help people in the process of self-discovery. Don’t forget to follow the page to update more content about meaning of numbers and the mysteries of Numerology!

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